Friday, February 13, 2009

Strange but very nice

Not entirely unexpected, food and fabric are two aspects of this culture I simply cannot get enough of...the variety, the color, the complexity!  

At Palimar with Martine - a Veg. restaurant just across the street from our office and a favorite lunch spot.  Silverware is not necessary.  But be sure to use your right hand.  The left hand is used for other things that are, er, less sanitary.

"Madras meals."  A great dish because you get to try a little bit of everything.  Served on a giant banana leaf, you shovel some rice onto your plate and mix in seven or eight chutneys (sauces) for some serious flavor.  My favorite today was the yellow one, with coconut flavor.  The white sauce is plain yoghurt - an important palate cleanser, and cooler.

Thanks to my friend Lakshmi Priya, this beautiful fabric was transformed into an elegant sari.  I think it will be awhile before I am able to tie a sari on my own, but it is a new goal.  Wearing 15 plus feet of fabric requires patience and engenders gracefulness--and slow walking!   

Yesterday I went with the Director of Community Relations (my boss) to my first round of meetings.  She was a guest lecturer at a local seminary, explaining the work of IJM and educating the students about Bonded Labour slavery.  Afterwards, a man walked up to me and commented that I looked "very nice in a sari."  I thanked him and laughed when he then said "you look very Indian."  I smiled and said that despite my very white skin, I am trying to blend in.  He paused for a moment and said, "Yes.  You look strange.  But very nice."  

That's one compliment I am proud to keep.


Unknown said...

Are you wearing sunscreen over there!?!?!

Your sari looks good! Miss you and love you!

kateykix said...

tierney! the food looks amazing and so do you! =o)