A couple of days ago, my walk home from work was interrupted by a wedding procession. A hundred or so men in red turbans and women in brightly colored sarees marched along with the groom, who rode on an ornamented white horse. These lamps were lifted on top of people's heads. My camera was buried in my purse, so unfortunately I have no photo evidence of the white horse or lovely sarees. And of course it's not the same when you don't hear the blaring music spurring on the festivities.
And last week, my friend and boss got married! She was the most beautiful bride...
And I borrowed a gorgeous saree from my dear friend Lakshmi Priya. Thanks to Nicolette for helping me get dressed!
There were hundreds of people at her wedding, including everyone from our office, a few of us pictured below. There was also a 12-person band, a popcorn machine, and the traditional rice dish biriyani served on banana leaves at long tables where guests rotated and the banana leaves were folded up and the next line of hungry, happy people sat down to chow down.
Shout out to Meggie and Lauren: the past few weeks and months that Hephzibah has been choosing invitations, wedding sarees, house-hunting, etc has made me miss each of you but feel vicariously connected to your respective wedding/marriage/life planning!