Saturday, June 13, 2009

Shifting the flat

In British-English, to "shift" is to move.  Apartments are "flats."  In any English, dirt is dirty and packing is a pain.

Step One: Clean.
This is me cleaning the A/C. I am sad that this is what I breathe. But I am glad that we have air con in this crazy heat. 
Step Two: Get your friends to help move.
This is Vijay and Kim, packed in the back to keep an eye on the stuff.  I rode in the front with the nice man who helped us and seemed to have some difficulties with the stick shift.  Yikes.
Step Three: Repairs.
This is the electrician who tests the electricity by sticking a metal object into the socket.  He is wearing a lunghi.  That is his helper squatting below to help install the A/C.  Please applaud my picture-taking sneaky skills.
Step Four: Buy furniture.
This is Mani's.  The coolest second hand furniture store you ever did see.  Benches, desks, chairs, beds, dressers, sofas, tables.  Teak, rosewood, cherry. 
Step Five: Bring furniture home.
This is Nicolette and me bringing her cool desk chair home.  We got a lot of strange looks and long stares.  
Step Six: Get furniture delivered.
This is the man delivering two queen-sized mattresses.  Yes, on his bicycle.  Maybe we should have attempted another load on the scooter?
Step Seven: Unpack!
This is all of our stuff.  We are very proud of our hard work.  Slowly but surely we are settling in to our new home.


SG said...

Congrats, T! Looking pretty legit in the "anything-and-everything-you-can-on-a-scooter-at-one-time" department. Hope the A/C is pumping.

Jeff Cranston said...

The moment I saw the two of you on the motorbike while you were holding on to a chair, I thought, "She has completely adapted!" Way to go, Love the blog. Greetings from HHI.

anup keerrthi said...

Hey just bumped into ur blog while searching for Kipling cafe in google.

was reading thru the blog and was nice to hear a expat's take on indian living,

btw, wanted to know for how much did u'll get that desk chair from mani's?? i was actually luking for one.