Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The adventure(s) begin

The adventure(s) have officially begun! I arrived in South Asia early this morning, after one cancelled flight, a subsequent layover in Doha (I was not sure where or what this oil-rich city on the Persian Gulf was until asking a fellow passenger 5 minutes before boarding the plane--that got a laugh), filing claims for two checked bags (still missing) and a lovely ride from the airport escorted by three co-workers through the narrow, noises streets of my new home.

As I battled adrenaline, jet lag and the early morning light creeping through the blinds in my temporary room, my mind raced, replaying the few sights and sounds I'd already experienced and anticipated all I would see and hear today. On top of that, I was trying to figure out what time it was back in DC, where I'd reluctantly left a very big moment in history. Thanks to the world wide web, I'll get my hands on a transcript of the Inaugural speech soon enough--nice reading material as I digest my first South Asian meal (a big bowl of rice with 8 or 10 different sauces to mix in--some were delicious, others, not so much).

Work begins tomorrow. For now, I attempt to rest. Difficult, because even in the 4 minute walk to the corner store to buy shampoo I have witnessed chaos (crossing the street--YIKES--it's like chicken, the game you were never supposed to play as a little kid), beauty (so much color!), brokenness (a frail man asleep in the middle of the sidewalk, undisturbed by the sandals and barefeet stepping over him), and hospitality (the friends who came to the airport at 3:30 am and stayed until 5, or those who helped me navigate the menu for my first authentic meal).

Already my mind is ripe for reflection and my heart is thankful to be here.


Meggie said...

T- So glad you posted and made it safely. I can't wait to see pictures and hear more as the next 9 months unravel. Love you so and praying for you...

Carolyn March said...

Tierney--hooray you already blogged, you are amazing! I'm glad you are there safely and can hardly believe you are SOOO far away. I can't wait to see pictures of what you are seeing. I hope you get some rest and have a great first day of work! Don't get too caught up in the beauty while crossing the street..haha--totally something I would do.
LOST premiers you know what we will be doing:). I love you so much--xoxooxx.

ps. Did you get your bags?

Joy said...

Tierney! I'm so glad you arrived safely to your new home across the world. Your post was colorful and fun—I felt like I was right there with you! I’m excited to follow your journey through this blog…how awesome. Enjoy the new world around you. I’ll be praying for your adjustment! Joy

Jessica said...

Wow Tierney! What a journey! Again I wish I was with you...sounds like just an amazing experience, even for the first day(s). Savor every minute...this is truly a lifetime opportunity. God bless, godspeed, and have eyes in the back of your head! :o)

Jeanne said...

Hey Tierney

So glad you got there safely ! It sounds like your senses will be on overload for awhile ! You are so strong and I truly am in awe of your undertaking. I look forward to keeping up with you thru this blog, hearing about all your experiences. When the days get long just remember you are very loved and in God's hands. Stay well and I hope the food gets better !

Jeff said...

You've already experienced half of what we talked about! Welcome to India. So glad you made it. Looking forward to reading about your life and adventures in these upcoming months. Namaste.
Mr. C.

Unknown said...

Hi Tierney,
David and I are praying for you.
I know you'll have a thousand things to say every day and won't be able to get to at least 998 of them, but I'm really curious to hear how Indians respond to the inauguration of the 44th president, so if you get a chance ...
Peace, namaste (I bow to you), Jenny

Carrie said...

Hey Tierney - Another history making event besides yesterday's Inaugeration day - I am blogging - or at least sort of blogging for the first time! I know, I need to get with it. Hey, missed talking with you before you left and just wanted you to know that I'm filled with tears of joy and excitement for you as I read your very descriptive and humorous blog....I'm so proud of who you are and what you are doing! Keep listening to "His" voice and yet keep your gut instincts in tune too! ( they may be coming from the same source though, huh? Much love and prayers....Carrie, Gretchen and Ella

estellamy said...

Tierney -- thanks for starting the blog up so quickly! I can't wait to see Chennai through your eyes and can't wait to hear about your experiences with IJM. No pressure - but you've been added to my morning web start up routine. I like fresh content.

So glad you made it safely.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an adventure. Look forward to checking it out every morning and praying for you. PLEASE let us know when your luggage arrives!
You are a fabulous writer--I see a book in the works..
Mrs. P/Dawn

tierney short said...

Thanks for all the comments...I appreciate your affirmation and welcome your suggestions (and will attempt to satisfy the humble requests from the Glancy girls!)

Unknown said...

I love reading your blog! I miss you so much and can't wait to read more. Remember - hang on to those sunglasses! Ha.

Love you - Anna

kathleen nelson said...

Tierney, Glad to hear youy have arrived safely. Your descriptions are so vivid I am almost brought back to our own travels to India.
I will enjoy reading about your adventures daily. Good luck in getting organized. You are in our prayers always, Kathleen Nelson and Family

Anonymous said...

Hey! Sounds pretty amazing so far. Glad you got there safely :) Can't wait to keep reading